
Why Cats Are Better Than Women

* A cat doesn't know what a remote control is.
* A cat loves you until it dies.
* You don't have to tell your cat you love it - it knows you do.
* A cat likes to be petted, anywhere, anytime.
* Cats don't expect breakfast in the morning.
* Cats don't ly, quibble, argue, pout.
* Everything you do is interesting.
* Cats need little space, a sunny spot in the window will do.
* Cats don't smoke, drink, do drugs.
* You don't have to tell a cat it's pretty.
* A cat doesn't care if you haven't shaved for two days.
* A cat doesn't want to borrow money from you.
* Cats love to scrap bills and taxforms.
* You don't need to buy your cat expensive presents on it's birthday.
* You don't need to buy your cats mother expensive presents on her birthday.


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